Workshops & Seminars
Core Principles of a Trauma-Informed Practice - Workshop Details (PDF)
Trauma- Informed Practice Training for School Counsellors - Workshop Details (PDF)
Descriptive Praise
This is the most powerful motivator and training tool that helps children want to cooperate. It is one of the best ways to prevent problems and promote harmony and it is the best strategy for nipping behavior in the bud. It is also a helpful tool for re-motivating a child who is in crisis or refusing to cooperate
Preparing For Success
These are simple strategies that parents, teachers and therapists can use to help make it easier for children to do the right thing, and prevent behavior problems.
Reflective Listening
Parents, teachers and therapists learn 4 simple steps to reduce whining, anger, frustration and anxiety in children. The benefits of Reflective Listening are: it shows that the adult cares about the child’s feelings; the child feels understood; it defuses difficult situations and reduces the urge to act out; it teaches children that all feelings are acceptable even though certain behavior is not; over time it teaches a vocabulary to express feelings.
Never Ask Twice: the Six Step Method To Get Cooperation
Parents, therapists and teachers learn six steps to get cooperation the first time. This strategy is used for “start” behaviours. A start behavior is when a child needs to transition from one activity to the next.
Rewards And Consequences
Parents, therapists and teachers learn how to follow through effectively to maximize cooperation, self-reliance and responsibility. It includes positive alternatives to “time –outs” and traditional punishments which are often ineffective.
Calmer, Easier, Happier Homework
Simple strategies to take the hassle out of homework and help your child achieve at school.
Siblings with less rivalry
How to help siblings fight less and enjoy each other more.
Getting back in charge of screens in your home.
Bringing out the best in children and teens with learning difficulties.
Calmer, Easier, Happier family life with teens
Strategies for raising respectful, responsible and self reliant teens,
Calmer, Easier, Happier teaching
I provide solutions for several types of challenges faced by parents, teachers and professionals.
Get in touch and we can start talking about how to get you on the path to calmer, easier, happier parenting.
"Suzanne’s Calmer, Happier Parenting workshop exceeded our expectations. Her insight and effectiveness while warmly and empathetically listening and responding to the young parents questions was evident by their responses and desire to request more time and sessions with her.
Judi Brown, M.Ed
Coordinator, JCCGV Parent & Family Centre
Suzanne Ferera has been an invaluable asset in working with our staff to help them improve the learning environment for our students by using positive classroom management strategies that improve student cooperation.
Russ Klein
Head of King David High School, Vancouver